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I am cool as cucumber !
Perfect World is the best English song of Damien Saez
Where is Bryan ? Brian is in thé kitchen ! In my opinion of course !
hoy @julchana3
the glass of sherry was for Father Xmas.
Where is Bryan ? Brian is in thé kitchen ! In my opinion of course ![/quote]
ok we know where Brian but where is Bryan? Are you seeing double by any chance?
Where is Bryan ? Brian is in thé kitchen ! In my opinion of course !
ok we know where Brian but where is Bryan? Are you seeing double by any chance?
2000 copies available only in France!!!! WTH!
This topic is mine.
Even with some denial, IT IS MINE AHR AHR AHR.
I take it back elea
pff.... not even a curteous "thank you" for keeping this great topic alive.
Take back your topic Caesar ;)
Je suis un rebelle je nique la société j'écris en français
get out of here little one.
Not too much English from this funny guy (yeah he has a weird accent)
Thank you elea for having kept this great topic alive.
See, I'm curteous and polite, you crazy bitch !
Oh great Beaver with flappy tail, you are welcome.
So I leave it to you and your great sweet talk to encourage people to visit this topic now and then.
Good luck :)
No, no, no. It was a joke.
You're the teacher. Your job is to watch this topic and animate.
Because if I do, in a short time, I will have some fights with Kaio here, and the topic will be locked.
I can't animate dead corpses........ but I would love to watch a Kaio vs @Castor fight.
in the meantime a bit of reading:
FUKP, or how to take politicians seriously :)
edit: the first video is to educate you all on the current insults you can now use, because "bitch" is just out of date mate.
No fights. This time I came back in peace.
And thanks for the link, BLOCKHEAD.
A kind of Ice cream feeling :)
I never understood why vinyls were so popular again these days.
We can't use them with iPhones !
Once again the f***ing Frogs get in the way of the Brits winning a tournament.
To add insult to injury the Irish are the winning team.
Some really frustrated English guys around town this evening.
Still, there your excsue to get pissed tonight. :)
[quote="Eléa"]Once again the f***ing Frogs get in the way of the Brits winning a tournament.
To add insult to injury the Irish are the winning team.
Some really frustrated English guys around town this evening.
Still, there's your excuse to get pissed tonight. :)[/quote]
Once again the f***ing Frogs get in the way of the Brits winning a tournament.
To add insult to injury the Irish are the winning team.
Some really frustrated English guys around town this evening.
Still, there's your excuse to get pissed tonight.
For the really important issues that will be a decider in the May election.
Trust politicians.
..... or not
[quote="Eléa"]Once again the f***ing Frogs get in the way of the Brits winning a tournament.
To add insult to injury the Irish are the winning team.
Some really frustrated English guys around town this evening.
Still, there your excsue to get pissed tonight. :)[/quote]
Hell I missed that part. Lucky you, I would have taken a plane to England only to beat your ass.
By the way, do I need to mention that the glorious Irish squad defeated (loyally, as always) the English one?
Just saying.
What could you expect from England anyway? Wilkinson is gone.
Once again the f***ing Frogs get in the way of the Brits winning a tournament.
To add insult to injury the Irish are the winning team.
Some really frustrated English guys around town this evening.
Still, there your excsue to get pissed tonight.
Hell I missed that part. Lucky you, I would have taken a plane to England only to beat your ass.
By the way, do I need to mention that the glorious Irish squad defeated (loyally, as always) the English one?
Just saying.
What could you expect from England anyway? Wilkinson is gone.
[small]oops, not so loud, recovery from drunkeness in progress :)[/small]
[quote="musashi"]What could you expect from England anyway? Wilkinson is gone.[/quote]
What could you expect from England anyway? Wilkinson is gone.
ahaha, I apparently visited that topic 8 hours ago... Possibly the result of a whiskey+beer+wine (wth?) equation: hard to solve, believe me.
@PhDstud that's my boy! But beer isn't the Crown's own property, for her Majesty's sake! Ireland, Belgium and Germany have developed very attractive beverages as well.
err cough cough.
this is the English topic and your are talking about Germany!
in 1975 this was allowed on TV, nowadays, I am not so sure.
Irish are the best for ever, as shown by this living God
Take fright little @eléa! Magical horses will come from all over the sea, and all fairies and leprechauns, with the glorious freedom flag, to kick the ass of the abominable ironmen!
Lyrical interlude:
As a child, they could not keep me from wells
And old pumps with buckets and windlasses.
I loved the dark drop, the trapped sky, the smells
Of waterweed, fungus and dank moss.
One, in a brickyard, with a rotted board top.
I savoured the rich crash when a bucket
Plummeted down at the end of a rope.
So deep you saw no reflection in it.
A shallow one under a dry stone ditch
Fructified like any aquarium.
When you dragged out long roots from the soft mulch
A white face hovered over the bottom.
Others had echoes, gave back your own call
With a clean new music in it. And one
Was scaresome, for there, out of ferns and tall
Foxgloves, a rat slapped across my reflection.
Now, to pry into roots, to finger slime,
To stare, big-eyed Narcissus, into some spring
Is beneath all adult dignity. I rhyme
To see myself, to set the darkness echoing.
Seamus Heaney - Personal Helicon
I miss you so much sweet Emeralda...
but Redbreast is the answer!
Take fright little @eléa! Magical horses will come from all over the sea, and all fairies and leprechauns, with the glorious freedom flag, to kick the ass of the abominable ironmen!
little Elea is not for running ;)
"Cast a cold eye
On life, on death.
Horseman, pass by."
Take fright little Eléa! Magical horses will come from all over the sea, and all fairies and leprechauns, with the glorious freedom flag, to kick the ass of the abominable ironmen!
little Elea is not for running
"Cast a cold eye
On life, on death.
Horseman, pass by."
Invoking Yeats the genius... You became as unfair as an English !
Anyway, let's have a look at the stars rising up in the sky
English fairplay would be an abusive use of words then?
That leprechaun of yours seems to have taken a trip to Scotland for his whisk[b]y[/b].
but I am more than happy to raise my glass to your ride. :)